26562801535_38efca3364_n Fear is a powerful motivator. Fear can lead us to act in ways that we never would have imagined. It can prompt us to do good, but all too often it pushes us to things we will later regret.
There are certain types of people who prey on fear. They know how to use fear to motivate and manipulate. They also know that the antidotes to fear are understanding and Truth. Perhaps one of the most insidious utilizers of fear-as-manipulator is the abortion lobby. The industry survives by profiting off of fear.
Time again we hear statistics that tell us women choose abortion because they believe they have no other choice. They are afraid. Tell me, how can the same people who proclaim “choice” and “freedom of choice” also be the people who use fear to push their abortion agenda? Simple. Because when they say “Choice” they mean “abortion.”  And when they say they are “pro-choice” they really mean they are “pro-fear.”
Women have been used and abused by the abortion industry for decades now. Yet, much like an abusive relationship, fear keeps women trapped in the abyss of “choice.” Denying their own biology, women elect to kill their offspring, forever wounding themselves in the process, not because they are exercising some Rite of Liberation, but because they are scared and they feel they have no choice. So I ask the members of the Abortion Lobby, NARAL in particular, What do you mean when you say Choice?
Do you mean you will speak gently and kindly to the scared woman who has come for your help? Will you tell her about her amazing body, how she was made to create and nurture life? Will you tell her about the life she carries? How there are fingers and toes, a heartbeat and completely new and unique DNA? Will you answer her questions without asking her to sign a form, a waiver, or be hurried along? Will you explain to her the options she has that are affirming to her dignity and her beauty as a woman? Will you love and support her and the life she is so afraid to give birth to?  Will you support her and affirm her if she chooses to NOT have an abortion?
No. You will not. You will instead play on her fears, feed her fears, and lead her further down a lonely path of uncertainty, pain, regret and more fear. This isn’t “choice.” Some would say it is coercion. It is manipulation of the lowest kind and it is not “choice.”
Women deserve so much more than to have their fears played on. An unplanned pregnancy can be a tremendously scary thing for a woman, teenager, or young adult to face alone. She deserves a real choice, with real information. She deserves to hear the truth about the way she is made, the dignity she has and the life she carries. She deserves to be told that yes she has a choice, but that choice does not mean she must choose to kill her child. Choice should not equal fear. Women who find themselves contemplating abortion most often feel they have no where else to go, and no one to turn to. They are alone and scared. These women need to know that they are loved, that there is support, and there are people who want to help them make the difficult decisions that come along with bringing a new life into the world. Women who experience support, love, and affirmation when facing an unplanned pregnancy overwhelmingly choose to either parent their child or work out an adoption plan. They can lead a life free of the fear, the pain, and the regret that come with having no real choice – abortion. Women who fall victim to the abortion “choice” lie are forever changed and forever wounded by the decision. To make that fate even worse, their emotional stress and pain is often overlooked, misdiagnosed, or belittled by an industry and a culture that refuses to admit women suffer long after they have an abortion.
It is time the pro-abortion bandwagon stopped lying about their version of “choice” and instilling fear into women. Its time that organizations like The Guiding Star Project step boldly forward and loudly proclaim, “Yes, you DO have a choice! A beautiful, life affirming choice that will empower you as a woman, not wound you!” It is time that NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NOW and the like stopped dealing in the business of lies and fear and instead embraced the beauty of womanhood and the unique gift of motherhood. You and I know that day is very very far in the future. So until it comes, we urge you to not be afraid to continue to expose the lie that is the abortion industry. Keep speaking the Truth about femininity and womanhood to dispel the fear, and never be afraid to ask, “Just what Do You Mean by Choice?”

photo credit: The Passenger via photopin (license)