For Immediate Release
April 15, 2013
Minneapolis, MN – The Guiding Star Project has been closely watching the Trial of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Leah Jacobson, Founder of the Guiding Star Project had this to say, “We here at Guiding Star are dismayed to hear the details of the Gosnell case and the tragic deaths that took place at his abortion facility; not to mention the countless scars left on his other surviving patient-victims. We are saddened that women were willing to go to this man who obviously cared so little for them as to operate that disgraceful facility. The blood-stained floors, the filthy bathrooms, the dangerously dirty conditions, the untrained staff……how desperate were these deprived women that this is the best they thought they could have? We must do better. We must let women know there are better options for them when they are in difficult situations and that they deserve top-notch care and support no matter their circumstance. We are committed to building up and coordinating resources that can truly meet the diverse needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies. Because a positive pregnancy test should never mean a death sentence.”
According to the Executive Director of the Guiding Star Project, Laura Ricketts, one of the greatest unspoken tragedies of the Gosnell case is that horrors like this take place every day in the abortion industry. The difference is that in the case of Kermit Gosnell, the babies were born alive after botched procedures who were then brutally murdered. “Killing is killing – born or unborn,” said Ricketts, “It is our deepest hope that this case will shed light on the horror that is ALL abortion. That it is an abortion mentality that allowed Gosnell to kill infants without remorse. We must hope that this trial will serve to reveal the deep and despicable industry that is abortion and that in some way women’s hearts may be opened to the Truth that they and their children deserve so much better and so much more. ”
Press Contact:
Laura Ricketts, Executive Director
The Guiding Star Project – 540-514-107 ·