Naturally Nourished

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, August 1-7, I thought I would devote a little time to singing the praises of nursing our babies.
Like I mentioned in an earlier posting about the many different issues that make up a truly pro-life (not just anti-abortion) position, breastfeeding DOES fall within the bigger picture of recognizing how amazing our bodies are made and affirming them. Breastfeeding not only provides amazing food for our babies’ bodies, but it is amazing food for a mother’s soul.
As a lactation counselor (working toward my certification as an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant), I get the opportunity to talk and work with newly breastfeeding mothers on a regular basis.  It is such a privilege for me to share their first experiences of nursing their child. I get to watch new mothers’ eyes open wide in amazement the first time their newborn latches on successfully. Their first loving gazes at one another are about the most beautiful picture anyone could ever imagine. Both full of wonder that another needs and loves them so completely.
Of course the breastfeeding picture isn’t always so rosy, if it were I wouldn’t have a career! But in those instances of struggle, I also am able to witness acts of great determination and growth on the part of women who didn’t know how strong they could be.
Take for instance the mother whose baby refused to latch on one side. She did not give up after several frustrating weeks of trying to teach him to latch on, but continued nursing on the one breast and  pumped the other breast to prevent engorgement and mastitis. She pumped for several months and after awhile had so much milk that she could selflessly donate the extra milk to a donor milk bank to be used for critically ill newborns in NICUs.  The pride in her eyes as she shipped off the extra milk, holding her chubby baby on her hip was a priceless image of satisfaction and confidence in her body’s abilities. Prior to giving birth she had worried about whether or not her small breasts could ever sustain a baby. Never again will she look at her body as insufficient or incapable.
Breastfeeding can provide an experience for women to grow in trust of their bodies and an opportunity to grow a strong relationship with their child. The health benefits for both mom and baby are seemingly endless. Look almost anywhere and you’ll be overwhelmed with the sheer evidence in support of breastfeeding.
Affirm and encourage a woman in your life who has made the decision to breastfeed her baby. It’s the pro-woman, pro-baby, pro-life thing to do.